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That looks like it's going to be great, trail having to go around lightpoles notwithstanding. I love that the locals are using it already.

Reminds me, and slightly OT, that we rode 20+ or so miles of the Virginia Capital Trail recently, from the point where it is barricaded, like this one, south. It is a really nice trail. Looks like they'll have sections closer to Richmond open this fall. The Cycling World Championships are in Richmond September 19-27, and while down there, we hope to get another ride in.

I'm a bit bummed that so much of the new trail is basically wider sidewalks. It doesn't looks like you should be riding a bicycle there, and the surface makes for a bumpy ride. This is clearly the result of a trail designed by people who don't ride bicycles.

The bird looks like a Wild Turkey to me. I saw several of them in BARC a few days ago.

Regarding the sidewalk section, I am also concerned that it is a circuitious route. It will be possible to cut off quite a bit of distance by going straight through form Hayes to Jay St on foot. The route would be via narrow paved paths and parking lots and there might not be curb cuts so cyclists might find it easier to go the long way.

You can see the newly paved section of the trail on Google maps.

On google maps you can also see the barges working on the foundation/pilings for the boardwalk section, and the staging area for construction near route 50. There is an update on the official trail page. Still says the trail will be finished next spring or "by this time next year".

Definitely not a turkey buzzard; it does look like a turkey. They do roost in trees toward dusk, but I've never seen one along the water like that.

Thats a real turkey

I'm riding to Kenilworth Park on Thursday with my son for the free canoeing hosted by the Annacostia Watershed Society: https://www.anacostiaws.org/get-involved/recreation/paddling/paddle-night
Google maps would take me on circuitous route across the other side of the Metro tracks. Can I make it from the Osprey Bridge all the way north along this route with the 6 year old guy?

Uptowner, the part of the trail that is wider sidewalk is only 5 blocks, I just took a lot of photos of that. The rest of the way from Benning to Maryland it is either trail or PBL. Where it is sidewalk, I kind of see the sidewalk as the place for pedestrian trail users, while cyclists will ride on Anacostia Avenue. Since there is no parking on Anacostia, there is plenty of room for a bike lane or cycletrack. But this project is not being designed/managed by the bike team [Sebastion/Goodno/etc..] so they may not even have this on their radar.

Also, I'm going to be riding the Virginia Capital Trail in August. I look forward to it.

Fong Fong, I don't think you can get from Osprey Bridge to Parkside without crossing the Metro Tracks twice

@Fong Fong - the only way to do it would be to follow the trail, which is not complete. I don't know if the section between Benning Rd and Anacostia Ave is passable - this would be the portion passing the old power plant. But WC's first photo shows that the trail is definitely closed where it emerges onto Anacostia Ave. So otherwise I think you would need to take Benning Rd across the tracks and come back across on Burroughs.

Right, just north of Benning Road is a very small "stream" so small that it doesn't show up on any maps or have a name - it's more like runoff from the power plant. Anyway, the bridge over that is still under construction.

If one really wanted to tresspass, you could ride north on Anacostia Ave NE, under the Metro tracks and then take the first left onto what appears to be a gravel track where the trail will be. I've not done that and wouldn't recommend it (but if you do, send photos).

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