Location: Washington, DC
Level of Effort: Estimated average of 8 hr/wk
Hourly Rate: $20/hr
Services to be provided:
The DC Bicycle Advisory Council seeks editing, research and administrative support services (see Council description below). The point of contact on the BAC will be the Treasurer, with whom all work will be coordinated and accounted for on an ongoing basis. The support services provider will be available to all BAC members based on available funding and BAC priorities.
Services include:
- BAC meetings
◦Attend all full BAC meetings (in odd months), and committee meetings (up to 3 in even months).
◦Assist the BAC chair and committee chairs in preparing a monthly meeting agenda and circulating it at least 3 days prior to the meeting; Assist BAC Secretary and committee chairs in preparing accurate meeting minutes within a week of each meeting as requested.
- Drafting letters and testimony, and research
◦Help BAC members to prepare correspondence and testimony. This may include drafting text based on bullet points, researching relevant data, or editing and circulating letters drafted by BAC members.
◦Find, summarize and make available to BAC members existing research, data and writings on specific policy topics including
◦Work with BAC members to get the most out of our work by editing and repackaging it for different audiences.
- Website and general administration
◦Maintain and promote the website (http://dcbac.blogspot.com/) such as posting meeting announcements and minutes, and working with BAC members to draft blog updates for the site;
◦Arrange space for and publicize bimonthly BAC meetings (first Wednesday of the month from 6:00-8:00).
◦Maintain and circulate (whenever revised) a complete roster of all BAC members including, phone numbers, email addresses and which Council member they represent;
◦Maintain the Google group email list;
◦Maintain and improve resources such as BAC letterhead used for correspondence, testimony and media releases;
- Work Plan and Task Follow-up
◦Work with the BAC Chair and Committee Chairs to draft an annual BAC Work Plan and then monitor and report on its progress to the BAC, potentially including tracking and follow-up of tasks discussed at full BAC meetings and committee meetings.
- Preference will be given to DC residents
- Excellent writing and editing skills
- Website managements skills
- Ability to work well with others, meet deadlines, and contribute ideas on how the work of the Council can be most effective
- Flexibility to work independently and attend evening and weekend meetings
- Interest in urban planning/transportation issues, especially bicycling and walking.
- Work references
- Legal U.S. resident able to provide social security number
The DC Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) is a group appointed by the DC Council to advise District government on bicycling issues. It consists of 13 appointed community members (one appointed by each Councilmember), and four government representatives for DDOT, OP, MPD, and DPR. The BAC has three standing committees: 1) the facilities committee, 2) the legislative committee, and 3) the safety, education and enforcement committee. BAC general meetings are held on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months from 6-8pm at One Judiciary Square (441 4th Street NW) and are open to the public. BAC committees meet during the even-numbered months on a varying schedule.
Please send a resume and cover letter to Jeff Johnson (BAC Secretary/Treasurer) at [email protected]. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.