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That is a low traffic, low speed area, with speed bumps. I don't see a problem with sharing that road.

I agree with SJE. While the Capital Crescent Trail (unless it's still called the GBT at this point) will run alongside the Purple Line tracks below the Talbot Street Bridge, the bridge is a low speed/volume neighborhood connection over the tracks that doesn't necessarily need a dedicated bike bridge or lane. The change does look like a softening of language, but I don't see it as detrimental to the network.

What is really needed as the Purple Line comes on-line is more sidewalks in the neighborhood to access the light rail station, school, and parks.

That is a very low volume street. In fact, there's a one-lane wooden bridge over the CSX tracks there now. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0018384,-77.0449616,3a,75y,69.47h,67.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBatOJxVCQE-T62-7VbTwiQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

I would not get worked up about it. I think what they're talking about is a bike lane on the bridge.

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