Populous, the architecture firm that is designing the new DC United Stadium in near Southwest, posted three new renderings of the stadium to their website and submitted several others with their PUD. On them are visible several bike facilities called for in the MoveDC plan.
In this aerial rendering of the corner of Half Street and Potomac Avenue, the bike lanes along Potomac Ave can just barely be made out on the right hand side of the image.
And in this rendering from above 2nd and T shows what might be the 2nd Street SW Cycle Track/Anacostia Riverwalk Trail along the left hand side of the image.
The trail appears to be separated from the road by a fence. It might also just be a sidewalk, but since it appears to end at P Street - just as the protected bike lane in the plan does - I'm inclined to believe it is that.
Update: SWTLQTC reports that it will include 233 bicycle parking spaces, but no word on a valet.
that fence is the existing Ft McNair wall
Posted by: darren | January 27, 2016 at 08:37 AM
I had thought about that, but then it looks like the sidewalk moves from the outside to the inside of the fence.
Posted by: washcycle | January 27, 2016 at 09:20 AM
I will be so happy if they put in enough bike racks. At RFK, I mostly had to lock the bike to a fence. Biking will be my primary way to get to the new stadium in decent weather.
Posted by: DE | January 27, 2016 at 10:36 AM
On the flip side, the RFK street signs where I park are right in front of where the cops parked. Similar to when I ride to Verizon Center, so I feel my bike is very safe.
Any word on whether they are considering a bike valet? Seems like there might not be extra room to carve out of a parking lot, as with Nats Park.
As I recall, Tommy Wells was all over Stan Kasten (team president at the time) about requiring a bike valet to be built at Nats Park. Perhaps this is something Charles Allen can get behind.
Posted by: fongfong | January 27, 2016 at 11:03 AM
DCU's Transportation Management Plan (which my company worked on) called for bike parking for approximately 400 bikes (assuming high end bike mode share of ~2%). Of that, the recommendation was to have 60% be bike racks and the remainder be bike valet.
The direction we got from DCU when we were putting that document together was that they wanted to have the most bike-friendly stadium in MLS, and potentially in American sports, which was awesome to hear.
Posted by: Peter K | January 28, 2016 at 10:25 AM