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Great article, thanks TWC! I'm also interested in the Purple line's impact nearer the College Park metro and through East Riverdale. In a few years, we should have the Benning Road to Bladensburg section of the ART complete, the "Whole Foods" section of the College Park/Hyattsville Trolley Trail complete, the Greenbelt South Core trails complete, and now also the Purple Line connections.

Interesting graphic for CP. I thought they were gutting Campus Drive along that stretch by Stamp (where artist rendition is)? Anyway, good news on all the trails. But we shall see. I'll believe it when it's actually there. I mean, they built the ICC request and then didn't bother to actually finish it.

This is going to be a huge boost for cycling in Silver Spring.

Exciting! Can't wait to ride the DC loop entirely by trail (or the Mall).

Very good news. I sincerely hope that this leads to fixing of the Northwest Branch Trail in time. This trail has so much potential, but has cracked pavement, one section of the trail foundation is being washed out by the river, blind corners, water crossings (very muddy), etc. Words don't give justice to just how rough the trail can be even if you have a full suspension mountain bike and don't mind getting a little muddy.

"During construction, all existing bicycle connections and access will be maintained, and when obstructed an alternate route will be provided"

This is good news. BUT the cynical me has to ask.

1. What are "existing bicycle connections". For example,the Capital Crescent Trail is treated differently from the Georgetown Branch Trail by Maryland, which administers the GBT through its Park budget. Do we know if the GBT is part of the "existing bicycle connections"

2. What are "alternatives." Do they just route people from the GBT to East West Highway?

I think they're talking specifically about bike connections that intersect with this.

The interim trail to replace the GBT is the responsibility of MoCo, and wasn't covered in this document (beyond stating that).

Great work to summerize from the trails perspective a complex project that many of us have been following for years. I work in Riverdale/CP Metro area and bike commute through much of the project areas. These developments (plus those mentioned by Greenbelt) will be a game changer for this area. Too bad the project was delayed to open in 2022 as I was hoping to ride the PL to work before I retire in 2020!

Adding on to what SJE notes, this is the part that worries me form page 14 of the Tech Provisions Book 2, part 1, "Concessionaire shall design and construct the CCT between Bethesda and Silver Spring concurrently with the design and construction of the Transitway. The CCT will be owned, operated, and maintained by Montgomery County no later than Final Completion."

Does this mean that a major commuting path with difficult detours around key locations going to be potentially shut down for 5 years?

If construction was done in segments so that the tracks & trail were laid from, Lyttonsville to Jones Mill over two years, then that key segment could open much sooner.

Earlier specification documents prioritized minimizing trail closure, but that seems to have been lost here. Is there any known advocacy on this topic yet?

What is going to happen to the B&O tressel?

Sounds like a pretty big omission.

@Brett, if my memory is accurate, the plan is to use the B&O tressel for the Purple Line (i.e. for the train itself). There is probably not enough space on the trestle for both the rail line and the trail, so the trail needs a new bridge. And of course a trail for bikes and peds can change grade more quickly so it makes sense to keep the rail line on the existing trestle.

The current trestle is only one track wide, and might not be structurally strong enough for a train after several decades. It would make more sense to build a completely new structure parallel to the trestle.

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