WABA has an alert about the Memorial Bridge Rehabilitation (now accepting comments, I will reiterate) stating that this is a great opportunity to add bike facilities across the bridge by closing a lane.
Two years ago, after an initial study on regional traffic patterns, traffic engineers determined that a closure of one of the three lanes in each direction would only minimally impact traffic on other bridges that cross the Potomac River. This has been borne out by experience: since late last fall, the Memorial bridge has been operating with a total of four travel lanes, without any resulting traffic armageddon.
In my post on it, I pointed out that NPS could address other improvements it wants to make at Arlington Memorial Circle (those are being studied and have not yet been defined). But WABA's request makes even more sense, because in the just released NPS Paved Trails Study, one of the high priority recommendations is to improve Lincoln Memorial Circle. In that they state that
The NPS should move forward with an alternatives analysis that considers traffic volumes, pedestrian movements, tour bus movements, Bikeshare volume, and trail traffic, to define preferred routes and safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists that consider:
• Reduction in travel lanes or lane width to allow for dedicated bicycle lanes
• Addition of a bike lane on the Arlington Memorial Bridge
Adding a bike lane is something NPS already wants to do - pending an alternatives analysis. They should do/have done that alternatives analysis as part of the Memorial Bridge Rehabilitation EA. The iron is pretty hot right now, time to strike it.
Some of the other elements for consideration in that alternatives analysis could be rolled into this as well, including:
- A signed route that connects the Lincoln Memorial Circle NW to the Rock Creek Park Trail. Both on and off-road options should be considered, including a dedicated bicycle lane from the Arlington Memorial Bridge to 23rd Street SW across Ohio Drive SW to the trail. This would encourage trail traffic to utilize the western sidewalk of Ohio Drive under the Arlington Memorial Bridge which is wider than the sidewalk on the eastern side.
- Provision of bulb-outs and refuge islands to narrow pedestrian crossing lengths
The other elements can wait. The study also notes that:
Other improvements to trail bridge approaches to the Arlington Memorial Bridge are also needed to address safety and user conflicts and will be addressed as part of an ongoing NPS study.
If not now, when? We're not asking them to do anything more than what they've already expressed an interest in doing.
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