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What sort of connection do you envision between the CCT and towpath at Chain Bridge? The CCT crosses the towpath ~1/2 mile downstream from the bridge. Are you referring to that location (by the Arizona Ave Trestle/bridge over Canal Rd and the towpath) or something else?

I'm talking about making this a real trail.


Wow, I did not even realize that trail was there. Good idea.

The Glen Echo Trolley Trail -- at least in DC -- is owned by the DC government. But I think it would be great to have the trolley trail serve as a feeder to the CCT and C&O, kind of like the way the Little Falls Trail serves the CCT in Bethesda. Then have junctions at Newark Street, Palisades Park (on the list), Fletcher's, Clarke Place.

True, but it crosses a lot of NPS land.

I take that phantom trail at Chain Bridge almost every day. Not that the absence of these things stops me, but good design would dictate a break in the guardrail, a signed cross walk and some maintenance of the trail itself. Eventually, parts of that trail will erode enough so that using it will be very tough.

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