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I strongly support the idea of improved connections, especially between Ft. DuPont Park and Anacostia Park under 295. Could be an opportunity for them to daylight Pope Branch too. Connection between Suitland Parkway and Ft Circle trail could be challenging because the parkway is quite a bit lower in elevation. Do they say anything about improving the condition of the Ft Circle Trail? The segment in and near Ft DuPont is in good shape, but south of Good Hope Road it's very poor.

Do they say anything about improving the condition of the Ft Circle Trail?

It's in the 1990 plan, but not this one.

Speaking of daylighting streams and trails, when they redevelop the PEPCO site, they should daylight Piney Run across the site. It goes underground at the Fort Circle Trail and doesn't come out until it passes under the new Anacostia Trail and into the river.

Daylighting the stream, would create a nice linear park (where a trail would make sense naturally) with environmental benefits.

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