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That "West Parcel" seems to be operated by Arlington County as a park (with the worst soccer field ever). There's also a tunnel under Arlington Blvd, whose south entrance may be in the secure area of the facility.

I live just a few minutes away theoretically, but have never considered going here. What Arlington and VDOT call transportation corridors, e.g. Glebe and Arlington Blvd, make traveling through here by anything but car not worth the risk.

I work at NFATC and bike commute from Reston via W&OD/4MileRun then up through Barcroft neighborhood. I can state from personal experience that it's very difficult to safely cross George Mason Drive whether via bike or as a pedestrian. I'm really hoping to see a flashing light-enabled crossing (like the Army National Guard has) installed before someone is seriously injured or killed.

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