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Congrats on publishing for 11 years and thank you for all the posts!

After seeing all the ups and downs (MBT still not done and they were concerned about missing the 2-year budget cycle), how are you feeling about the state of cycling in the area and its long-term growth potential?

Thanks for being a champion of cycling in the DC metro region. Your blog inspired me to work on the Palisades Neighborhood trail & The Foundry Branch Bridge and I appreciate all of the advice you've given me over the past 2 years.

I, too am predominantly male, between 25 and 65 years old, White, and from higher income groups.

Thanks for your service. And I'm glad that flexbike thing worked out.

Congratulations on the anniversary. You have inspired me to keep going on the bike, and to get more involved in making it better for everyone.


Looking just at DC, the state of cycling isn't what it could be, but we're basically at the top of the class for our contemporaries (except Portland). We really missed the boat when we fired Gabe Klein, since Chicago has caught up to us in the interim.

It's frustrating, because we don't have some state overlords - filled with rural voters - preventing us from passing the best laws in the country or from spending our money on tons of great infrastructure, yet we aren't really doing either of those things at the level I'd expect. The Idaho Stop being one example.

But I also think the floodgates are primed to open. Maybe not on PBLs but on trails. The new Anacostia Trail and Klingle Trail are either finished or underway. A better Rock Creek Park Trail is being built. The Met Branch is pretty close to breaking ground on the next DC section, and the South Capitol and Oxon Run Trails are basically sitting in the on-deck Circle. I think in the next 10 years all of those projects will be either finished or underway.

The contrib negligence bill and the new safety bill which passed this year are both very big deals, and to have them both in the same year probably makes for the biggest year legislatively since I've been involved. Add to that new Vision Zero regs and new bicycle parking regs and this has been a pretty standout year so far. Perhaps the best year since the blog started.

Regionally, bikeshare is the big story. We've been able to do something that very few others have and that's build a regional system. I think that has been huge as far as changing the way people see biking and how much people do it.

But I'd say that some areas are doing better than others, which could represent a lot of opportunity.

Jim Sebastian's policy that he once iterated long ago and that I think of as "island hopping" was the right way to go 10-15 years ago. The idea was build what you can, get more people biking, change the culture and repeat (hoping that you can do mare now than you could before). That has largely worked. But if we want to catch Portland, or just keep up, we need to push it harder than that. Not unlike what JSK was doing in New York or Klein did in DC or Chicago. We're going to need to piss people off. So far there doesn't seem to be a lot of stomach for that.

And the total disaster that is Congress isn't really helping either. We could use a little more leadership, or just common sense, when it comes to federal policy.

So I think we'll keep seeing progress, and maybe a lot more in the next 5-10 years then we saw in the prior 5-10, just because the calendar is working out that way. With turnover in the Council maybe there will be another breakthrough or two on top of that. But to get to "best biking city in America," we're missing a leader who's willing to get fired or at least heavily criticized.

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