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I'm conflicted. Won't hot lanes simply bring more cars through Arlington, Alexandria, and DC? I'm pretty opposed to them adding a 3rd multi-directional lane.

This doesn't seem as bad as the deal for I-66 widening. They sold it similar to benefit transit and bicycling, but the amount of money being spent on adding one lane which is only 4 miles costs about a 130 million(?), compared to 10 million or so which we might get for transit and bicycling over a number of years. seems like a sacrifice to cars to me.

What I want for biking near I395

A. Major improvement (possibly grade seperation) where the 4MRT crosses Shirlington Road.
B. Bike Share expansion in northwest Alexandria (Bradlee, Park Center, NVCC, etc)
C. Funding for complete streets project on King Street where it crosses 395.
D. Funding for Hoffman Boston connector.

How do you typically commute to work? (choose all that apply)
Casual carpool (slugging)
Bus (including local, express or commuter bus)
Uber or other taxi service
Drive alone
Carpool (regular members)
VRE commuter rail
Other (please specify)

Did I miss bicycle as an option or do they just not event consider that?

We already get a lot of chatter about highway $ being diverted to bikes, peds, transit. This lets drivers think that they are getting a raw deal and its biker's fault whenever the road are in bad shape.

I'd rather keep the $ separate, and make the cars pay for their use. This will make the costs clearer and advance the public debate much better.


The tolls are going to be set to keep the HOT lanes free flowing, IIUC. That is likely going to generate more funds than required for the HOT lanes project. It makes sense to use them for other things that will address congestion in the corridor, and that will balance the increase in auto capacity.

Also since the HOT lanes provide capacity that is free to HOV3+, and is designed to encourage carpooling and express buses on the lanes, it makes sense to spend toll money on carpooling programs and transit that will use the highway.

And bike and ped improvements can make it easier for people to use the transit that will use the highway. They can also divert people from cars that congest the highway.


Drivers are basically getting an additional lane, and the ability to drive in lanes that weren't available to them before - if they want to pay for it, so that's a win for them any way you look at it.

bikes get a tiny share of the highway fund, but AAA and bad drivers everywhere then get a reason to blame bikes for all their problems. Doesnt sound like a win to me.

At least in NoVa and DC, that has not prevented the gradual spread of pro biking policies.

So actual money, vs words (and there are plenty of other words they would use that have nothing to do with money, and there is public money for biking aside from this - and as Dave says, this is not a problem for motorists) I would take the money.

Especially if the funded improvements lead to more riders - more people who bike is more important to advancing biking politically than playing word games with AAA.

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