Around 10:00am today there will be an official ribbon cutting of the newest section of the Anacostia River Trail which runs between Benning Road and 52nd Avenue in Hyattsville (but connecting to Bladesnburg Waterfrong Park).
The ribbon cutting will be somewhere along the trail near Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens and include the following dignitaries:
Leif Dormsjo, Director, District Department of Transportation
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (MD)
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)
Victor Mendez, Deputy Secretary, USDOT
Robert A. Vogel, Regional Director, National Park Service
Pete Rahn, Secretary, Maryland Department of Transportation
Then, on the 5th, WABA is sponsoring the Cider Ride which will traverse the new section of trail.
Riders can choose between the 47 mile Honeycrisp route or the 23 mile McIntosh route. The Cider Ride starts and finishes in DC’s Edgewood neighborhood.
New this year: Five miles of BRAND NEW TRAIL that winds along the Anacostia River between River Terrace Park and Bladensburg Waterfront Park, passing the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens on the way. This new segment, which opens on October 31st, connects the 15-mile DC portion of the trail to more than 40 miles of existing trails in Maryland, bringing riders and pedestrians along scenic stretches of the Anacostia River where you can regularly see egrets, deer, and other wildlife.
The route takes riders from Northeast DC out to Maryland’s Anacostia Tributary Trails through Hyattsville and College Park. The Cider Stop is at Proteus Bicycles, just off the trail. The longer Honeycrisp route then takes riders through Beltsville’s agricultural farm lands and to the Patuxent Research Refuge before stopping for a second pit stop in Greenbelt at Buddy Attick Lake Park. From there, the longer route weaves south through Greenbelt Park to the Trolley Trail before returning to DC on more (special) trails. Both routes end at the Dew Drop Inn where riders can enjoy a post-ride celebration.
Back in June, DC hosted its 2nd meeting on the District of Columbia State Rail Plan. The material from that meeting includes a draft list of rail infrastructure projects, which is interesting on its own, but a few projects are especially so for cyclists. Most notabe are the Long Bridge Replacement, which has been discussed here several times, and the abandonment and repurposing of the Shepherd Branch railroad line in SE.
The Shepherd Branch is an East of the River rail spur that runs from Greenway just south of East Capitol Street all the way to Blue Plains. It was shut down following 9/11, because its once-a-week delivery of chlorine gas to the Blue Plains sewage treatment plant was deemed a security threat. For some time after that, DDOT planned to acquire it and use for the streetcar, but that fell through.
Now it appears that DDOT is in negotiation to gain use of the spur (at least what remains of it, some parts have been built on) for the purpose of a trail. In the rail plan this shows up as two projects.
Study potential to convert Shepherd Branch from inactive to abandoned; Study what uses would be permitted in the corridor post-abandonment in light of the current uses from prior conveyances. (No action has been taken on this and it is unfunded).
Study potential to convert Shepherd Branch to other transportation uses, compatible with its other uses
The second project is listed as "Under Discussion". Funding would come from DDOT but agreements would be needed with both Pepco and the U.S. Department of Defense.
It's unlikely that a Shepherd Branch Trail would go onto Bolling, NRL or DC Water property; but it would probably connect the South Capitol Street Trail to the Anacostia Metro, Anacostia and other SE neighborhoods east of DC-295. One would expect several crossovers to the parallel Anacostia Riverwalk Trail too.
There are a couple other rail plan items of interest to cyclists too
Explore potential to expand or build additional overpasses or underpasses for cars and pedestrians at locations separated by rail yards and rail lines
Study inactive rail spurs such as into the former PEPCO site, or near NY Avenue, for potential repurposing
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton is hosting a round table discussion tonight on “How New Federal Funds Can Help Residents Bike and Walk with Less Risk and More Pleasure”
The roundtable will hear from local bike and pedestrian leaders and D.C. residents on the best ways to use new federal funding for bike and pedestrian projects that she got included in the new surface transportation bill. Norton was one of the “Big Four” House Transportation leaders who wrote the FAST Act. As Ranking Member of the House Highways and Transit Subcommittee, Norton developed a strategy to overcome Republican resistance to bike and pedestrian funding in the FAST Act that they wanted devoted solely to roads. Norton has invited officials from the District Department of Transportation Office and the National Park Service (NPS) to sit on a panel with her to hear testimony from the D.C. bicycle and pedestrian community.
WABA appears to be approaching this differently. Instead a discussion about how to spend money, they're calling for a discussion of bicycle and pedestrian issues in relation to the federal government. That discussion is probably more useful, since a discussion of how to best spend money is a bit wonky when it works, and contentious when it doesn't. The issues they list are
How are National Park Police, Secret Service, Capitol Police and other federal policing agencies interacting with bicyclists around Washington DC?
How are Federal agencies headquartered in the District helping or hindering the District's goal of Vision Zero?
How is NPS managing trails on national park land that serve as significant transportation corridors for bicyclists?
I'd even add some to that. Not only asking how are federal agencies hindering Vision Zero, but hindering efforts to make biking better. Things like allowing CaBi docks on the Capital grounds, reopening E Street south of the White House to cyclists, allowing bike commuters to use Arlington Cemetery, expanding the bicycle commuter benefit and allowing its use to pay for bikeshare fees, allowing a cash-out option for federal employees who currently get free parking, etc..will make biking better, even if maybe they don't help with Vision Zero.
Invited panelists:
Leif Dormsjo, Director, District Department of Transportation Bob Vogel, Regional Director, National Park Service Greg Billing, Executive Director, WABA Representatives from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Councils
Audience members will have a chance to participate by asking questions of the panel.
Date: Thursday October 27, 2016 Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: 2167 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515
Two major trails will be officially connected next Monday, better tying the District to Prince George's County and breaking through a very bike-hostile area. For more than a decade, the District has been slowly building the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail (ARWT), which currently runs from the Frederick Douglass Bridge north to Benning Road on both sides of the river, with an extension too the SW Waterfront and the 14th Street Bridge. It is represented by the yellow lines on the map below. It will eventually connect to the South Capitol Street Trail on the south, Buzzard Point on the west and to the Capitol via Virginia Avenue on the north (the green and yellow lines). The section through the SW Waterfront is currently under construction with that project.
Several years ago Maryland built the Anacostia Tributary Trail System (ATTS), which is a 24-mile-long network of six trails that connect several close in areas such as Silver Spring, Greenebelt, College Park, Bladensburg and Adelphi Park. The shortest of the trails was the Anacostia River Trail which extended about a mile from the confluence of the NE and NW branches to Colmar Manor Community Park. About a decade ago a bike/ped bridge was built across the Anacostia to the Bladensburg Waterfront Park, and in 2011 (as a Wilson Bridge environmental mitigation project) that was extended almost all the way to the New York Avenue Bridge.
The new trail is also named the Anacostia River Trail - making it more the DC extension of the Maryland trail than an extension of the Riverwalk Trail. It is represented by the pink and white line on the top map.
This trail is really a big deal.
Because of delays in building the full Prince George's County Connector trail between the Metropolitan Branch Trail and the NW Branch Trail, this is the only real trail connection between the ATTS and DC's trail network. The ARWT, in turns connects the ATTS to the future South Capitol Street, the Mt Vernon, the Rock Creek Park and the Capitol Crescent Trails. It really brings the trail into the regional network in a way that it hasn't been before.
It trims more than a mile from the trip between River Terrance and the Bladensburg Waterfront Park, compared to using Bladensburg Road and 1.5 miles compared to going via Cheverly. In fact from anywhere in DC east of the river or east of 15th street NE and south of Benning Road, it will be the new shortest route.
It will certainly become a commuter route. I used to bike to the ATTS from Capitol Hill via Blandesburg Road, but taking the new ART instead take almost exactly the same amount of time (if I use the Deane Avenue shortcut). Whilt it doesn't save any time, it is so much nicer than Bladensburg Road. Bike commuters can avoid the harmful car exhaust fumes and likely have a safer ride the whole way. The trail isn't lit, so commuters will need to bring bright lights and slow down in the winter (when it's also unlikely to be plowed), but even if it is only a fair-weather route, I expect it to get consistent commuter traffic.
It's also a really nice recrational trail. Though not officially open until Monday, I - and many others - have already been taking advantage of it. The south and north sections run along the river and the north section is particularly tranquil as it runs through the Kenilworth aquatic gardens before going underneath the Amtrak and New York Avenue bridges. I used to see wildlife on it every time I rode, before traffic picked up, and I suspect those riding at low traffic times still will.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, the newly-formed Capitol Trails Coalition will host Trick or Trail on Monday. Register here.
Groups of riders will be leaving from two locations in DC and Maryland on connecting trails to form a costumed caravan of cyclists for the official event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens. There will also be a popup pitstop with coffee and treats at Bladensburg Waterfront Park!
Popup Pitstop at Bladensburg Waterfront Park, 4601 Annapolis Rd, Bladensburg MD 20710: 7:30am - 9:15am
Bladensburg Waterfront Park Caravan: Meet at 8:30am, Leave for ribbon cutting at 9:15am.
DC Caravan: Meet at 9am, leave for ribbon cutting at 9:15am. Meet in the grassy area off the trail at the intersection of Benning Road and Oklahoma Ave. NE. The closest GPS address is 2615 Benning Rd. NE.
Ribbon Cutting at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, 1550 Anacostia Ave NE, Washington, DC 20019: 10am
In a recent briefing memo Arlington county staff reported that for the 6th year in a row, Capital Bikeshare usage in the county continues to grow.
Admittedly that is with more bikes and more stations in each year. In fact, in 2016 they've added 5 stations and expanded 6 others; still growth is growth and in June they set a record with 31,000 trips in Arlington. It will be interesting to see how the system grows as stations are added to Tysons Corner and Falls Church. Being at the center of several pods should create more trips than being on the periphery.
Together with 30 fellow two-wheeled campaign staffers, THE CANDIDATE is hitting the campaign lanes and trails to tell you that Capital Bikeshare will offer FREE Single-Trip Fares on Tuesday, Nov. 8, to provide another transportation option to get you to your voting location.
That’s right: Capital Bikeshare will offer FREE one-way fares at every station in the system to encourage you to take active transportation to a station near your polling place. THE CANDIDATEbelieves that voting is the duty of every citizen of this fine nation and is riding high on the campaign saddle to make it easier to #VoteByBikeshare.
Spot THE CANDIDATE and snap a picture between now and Election Day to help spread the word. Let’s get the #VoteByBikesharemessage to the masses and promote sustainable transportation on Election Day up and down the ballot.
As reported on Thursday, the Montgomery County Police Department held a press conference on bicycle and pedestrian safety. Unfortunately the whole thing was tone deaf, ignored the real issues with last week's fatal crash and safety in general and (as reported in Bethesda Magazine) devolved into victim blaming.
If you watch the video, Didone says that the reason for the event is that there has been a surge in serious bike/ped crashes in the last 16 days and the purpose is to discuss "what are some things we can do to prevent this so that this trend doesn't continue." He then says that when there is a serious crash of this type, the public tends to focus on driver speed and street design, but that - unbelievably - "today's discussion isn't going to talk about either of those things."
OK, so we're going to discuss bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety, but we aren't going to discuss two of the biggest issues in serious and deadly crashes. Got it.
Instead he wants to talk about how pedestrians and cyclists don't always have the right-of-way, like "when a pedestrian is not crossing in a crosswalk." Which would be far less ridiculous if he weren't standing in front of a freaking crosswalk. The same crosswalk in which a cyclists recently died, precipitating this media event.
His next example, when crossing at a signalized intersection and the signal says don't walk, is interesting and true, but also completely irrelevant.
But his main concern is this piece of Maryland law
A pedestrian may not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield
Because "that's what happens very frequently." This is stated without evidence, and, in fact, in contrast to other evidence presented later. He then goes on to point out that pedestrians think they always have the right of way and
they may think that the crosswalk becomes a force field...or that drivers can stop on a dime.
Jeepers H. Christmas! No one thinks that. No one is confused about this part of the law or about the lack of force fields. Everyone understands that they can't just jump out in front of a car without giving it time to stop. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny that they think that THIS is the piece of education that the public needs.
I'm sad to say that he goes on.
"Physics has also told us that every time a two-ton vehicle comes into contact with a bicyclist or pedestrian, that the bicyclist or pedestrian loses every time,” Didone said. “It’s the longest losing streak that I know of. They lose every time.”*
Here again, he seems to be implying that bicyclists and pedestrians are just too dumb to know that cars will hurt them. I hear this kind of comment all the time, with that same implication - that this is news to me, but once made aware, I'll be more careful.
I'm here to say that we do know. We are all too aware. There isn't a week that goes by that someone doesn't pass too close to me and give me a little scare. And I'm scared because I know that if I get hit, it's not going to go well for me. Because of physics (which I did once teach). So really, this is not the problem.
So Didone called a press conference to tell vulnerable users things they already know. Which should be embarrassing since his colleague then noted that, yeah, this isn't really the problem at all. In fact it's probably the opposite.
Since 2011 there have been 10 collisions including Monday’s fatal incident at the crossing. Drivers were found to be at fault by park police in the other nine, according to Pelicano.
And the article makes the point that the investigation into the most recent crash has not been completed so we don't know what the cause is. But yeah, we should definitely waste some time addressing a couple of things (lack of common sense by vulnerable users, and lack of understanding of basic physics) that are NOT the cause of crashes at this intersection. The actual causes, well we're not going to discuss those.
The tree across the street from my old house was hit 3 times over 10 years. I would expect Didone to tell it how it could avoid getting hit. "Maybe wear a reflective vest? Have you ever studied physics? Also, I notice you're not wearing a helmet." This kind of victim blaming isn't new. Women have been putting up with this crap for years. But it's frustrating.
And I wish that we could just blame this on the police, but Jeff Dunckel, the pedestrian safety coordinator for Montgomery County shows up and also spends his time admonishing pedestrians.
Dunckel said cyclists and pedestrians should ride and walk “defensively” and urged cyclists to use “extra caution.” He encouraged them to wear light-colored clothing and reflective material.
That is all wonderful advice. Here I've been just using regular old caution, when what I needed was "extra caution" (what some people call "Unagi"). If only those 9 victims had shown extra caution and worn whiter shirts those drivers wouldn't have made a mistake and crashed into them.
Greg Billing is interviewed and is the voice of not batshit crazy.
He said drivers, pedestrians and cyclists must all make quick decisions at crossings and on roadways. “I firmly believe those decisions shouldn’t be deadly. That means the system, primarily the design of our streets, trail crossings and bike lanes have to be designed to prevent mistakes from being fatal.”
“If we’re going to be a vision zero community we have to start acting with urgency,” Billing said. “There has to be urgency because people are literally dying on our streets.”
Sigh, but Greg, we aren't discussing street design. We're discussing bad pedestrian behavior that is so frequently at fault (Frequently being 0% of the time at this crosswalk) and the physics of force fields. It's like he's not even listening. He's not alone. Capt. Rick Pelicano, a spokesman for the county’s park police department also discussed one of the issues that must not be mentioned.
Pelicano said the parks department, which has jurisdiction over Little Falls Parkway and the crossing, plans to meet with county officials soon to discuss possible changes to the crossing that could make it safer. That could include moving the crossing to the intersection of Little Falls Parkway and Arlington Road, where there’s a traffic signal, or adding stop signs on the roadway at the crossing to force vehicles to stop, according to Pelicano.
Moving the crossing is not really a solution either. It just gives them the ability to force trail users to stop (since now the crosswalk sign will be in play and users will no longer always have the right-of-way - as Didone so usefully pointed out). It has the added benefit of inconveniencing everyone using the trail too.
There are other possible solutions. Putting the crosswalk on a speed table, narrowing the road to one lane, creating a trail bridge, closing Little Falls Parkway, investing in that force field thing they were talking about, or something else would all make this trail crossing safer and protect pedestrians from their irrepressible urge to fling themselves into traffic in the hopes that they will win in a collision with a car (the streak has to break some day right? Just look at the Cubs).
And keeping money safe is his primary job. Trail users are somewhere farther down his list. He cited the Henson Trail crossing of Viers Mill Road where 2 cyclists have died in the last year as an example of how engineering solutions are just not as useful as reminding cyclists that cars are really big.
We put millions of dollars of safety on, and cyclists didn't even push the button.
I don't know if Osorio, the cyclist who died there in the summer, pushed the button to activate warning flashers or not, and I'm not sure how the police would either. But it's ridiculous to say that people aren't pushing the button. Obviously some are.
This "better engineering isn't the solution" line isn't new. After the Osorio crash someone from SHA argued the same thing.
The problem, said David Buck, an SHA spokesman, is that engineering solutions alone cannot prevent all fatalities. Enforcement and education are also needed — catching speeding drivers and encouraging cyclists and pedestrians to activate the flashers.
Unfortunately, Buck said, citing a crash report and Montgomery County police officials, the two cyclists in the deadly collisions did not push the button to activate the flashers.
Again, not sure about Osorio, but I'm positive that the victim in the earlier crash, Frank Towers, didn't push the button. I'm sure because it hadn't been installed yet. I'm surprised Didone didn't call for the solution that Buck did at Viers Mill - cyclists should dismount and walk their bike across.
Didone continued on about the Henson Trail crossing of Viers Mill Road.
Didone said in both Veirs Mill Road collisions the bicyclists were determined to be at fault after police investigations.
Which....isn't true. In the first crash, the driver was cited for "Passing a vehicle stopped for pedestrian at crosswalk". He was acquitted on the technicality that a cyclist is not a pedestrian and that there is no law protecting cyclists in that situation.
“Why was that?” Didone asked. “Because the witnesses observed that the bicyclists did what bicyclists do far too frequently. They do not want to slow their momentum or come to a stop before entering the roadway.”
No they don't, but if there's a car coming, they usually do. But again, Didone is inaccurate. Towers - at least - was crossing the road with a stopped car in the closest lane and then he was hit in the next lane. So, whether he stopped or not is sort of irrelevant (and I'm not sure if it is even known).
At some point Didone did note that drivers have some responsibility to protect vulnerable users.
Didone said all drivers must stop on multilane roads when a vehicle in another lane stops to allow a pedestrian to cross. This issue was brought into focus earlier this month when video showed a van striking a woman walking in a River Road crosswalk on Oct. 4.
But he added that
the video showed the pedestrian who was struck appeared to be on her cellphone. He urged pedestrians to pay attention while crossing roadways.
“Pedestrians need to do their part,” Didone said.
Let's not forget that in some of these cases, pedestrians - while not breaking the law - were not perfect either.
*Actually there was a case in the late 1990's in Mt. Pleasant when a driver lost control of their car, hit a cyclist, and then crashed into a tree. The cyclist was fine, and the driver died. So, the losing streak isn't necessarily worse than that of the Washington Generals
A cyclist was struck and killed overnight in Prince George's County. Not much is known beyond that at this time. In fact, it appears that everything known about it comes from two PG County police tweets.
Fatal crash on Kenilworth Ave at HWY 50 involving a vehicle & a bicyclist. Happened at 1:15am.
NB Kenilworth Ave at HWY 50 is closed due to a fatal crash involving a veh. & a bicyclist. Driver stayed on scene.
And the first one included this photo:
Going north on DC-295 out of DC, 295 becomes the BW-Parkway and splits into the BW-Parkway and 201 Kenilworth Avenue at US-50. From the photo it appears that this occurred at that split just north of the US-50 overpass. I've driven through there, but I've never biked it and can't imagine I ever would. And certainly not at 1:15am. But just because it's not an appealing place or time to bike, doesn't mean it's illegal. I have biked southbound Kenilworth in this area to get to 459/Arbor Street, so it's not unheard of.
Anyway, we'll see if more is reported on this, like the name or gender of the cyclist or details about the crash.
Arlington: My topic of conversation is near and dear to every bicyclist's heart: Stop Signs on bike paths...I know why the signs are there, and I admit that I feel a twinge of conscience whenever I simply slow down, see if a car is coming, and then blow through it -- but I still do....You're thoughts?
Jones: Safety involves cyclists, motorists and, on trails, all the other users of the trail.
Yes, there should be warning signs for motorists and trail users at intersections with trails.
Also timely is the intro on WABA's (failed) effort to close part of Beach Drive to motor vehicle traffic.
Bicyclists, runners, gardeners, equestrians, and all types of Rock Creek Park lovers are urging the National Park Service and the government of the District of Columbia to conduct a test weekday closure of the section of the Park (Beach Drive north of Brandywine) that is currently closed on weekends. This will help the decision-makers to find out what effect, if any, such a permanent closure would have on the surrounding neighborhoods, general traffic flow and the quality of the Park experience. You can help by urging Mayor Williams and Rock Creek Park Superintendent Adriene Coleman to conduct this test.
Do you think stuffy workaday Washington is ready for cubicles that contain bike wheels as well as fax machines?
If only because you're much more likely to find a bike, and less likely to find a fax machine.
Interestingly, WABA's position on bicycle helmet laws seems much more accepting of them then than now; which is more interesting since a ~2008 photo on the cover of the Post of Jones without a helmet elicited some angry letters about how unsafe it was and how irresponsible the Post was being. But, of course, WABA is still the "parent organization" of the pro bicycle helmet law Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute.
Jones: The main benefit of helmet laws is the educational effect that such a law has in a community.
She discusses the first purchase by MPD of 400 bicycles and Metro's then-recent decision to allow cyclists on trains outside of rush hour, without permits. And how to lock up to one of Metro's old bike racks.
bike racks at Metro stations are designed to be used with a padlock. If you can manuver your bike into one of those racks (not all bikes can be) using a padlock on the metal tongue located in the metal basket makes your bike almost impossible to steal.
And there is a question about bicycle commuter benefits about 9 years before they became a thing.
If you are a Federal employee the funds that your agency makes available for Metrocheck can be used to improve bicycle conditions at your worksite - parking, showers, lockers. The Federal Employee's Clean Air Incentives Act is a pretty straigtforward piece of legislation that spells this out.
There's this...
Ellen, please tell us about progress on the Metropolitan Branch Trail. When will it be completed?
Great question.
And this...
There is good news on Route 1. The Maryland State Highway Department has agreed to accommodate bicyclists on this important road. Accommodation will probably be a striped wider shoulder.
But I have no idea what the question about the Mt. Vernon ramps is about.
This is a pretty funny exchange
Bethesda: Ellen, do you feel that it is dangerous for me to ride my unicycle along 495 in the morning on the shoulder?
Jones: I think it could eliminate your commute altogether.
There are some usual question about scofflaw cyclists - though this are focused on couriers (ah, the olden days) - and sidewalk cycling. And from a cyclist who rides in the road only to have drivers yell at him to "ride on the path!". I'm glad that doesn't happen anymore. Also about bike racks on the Mall.
And Bob Levey makes a great prediction:
More and more people are sicker and sicker of gridlock. They will try commuting by bike, and by the thousands, they will grow to love it.
This video, about the Metropolitan Branch Trail, produced by the newly formed Capitol Trails Coalition, makes me say "Oh, I want one of those in my city." And then I remember that I already do.
The Capital Bikeshare program will provide residents and visitors short-term, on-demand access to bicycles at 29 stations located in Reston and Tysons.
The program is primarily targeted at workers who might be looking for ways to travel short distances to their office or a restaurant, without getting into a car.
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, Supervisor Catherine Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill), Tysons Partnership President Michael Caplin and Fairfax County Bicycle Program Manager Adam Lind will participate in ceremonies in Reston at 2 p.m.and Tysons approximately 3:15 p.m.
Reston Celebration will be held at Wiehle-Reston East Metrorail Station, Capital Bikeshare station on the plaza at bus bay F, 1862 Wiehle Avenue, Reston.
After the conclusion of the Reston celebration, take Metrorail Silver Line (approximately between 2:36-2:58 p.m.) for an 8-minute trip to the Spring Hill Metrorail Station in Tysons.Capital Bikeshare station located just as you exit the station on the east side of route 7, 1576 Spring Hill Road, Vienna.
And more expansion is coming
Falls Church is hoping to add its own bikeshare program next year.
Meanwhile, in DC, REI (which sells bikes and, reportedly, other items) will be hosting a 3 day grand opening block party at its new location in the old Colisuem adjacent to the Metropolitan Branch Trail.
Construction crews continue to take advantage of the favorable weather on site and completed all concrete placements of the gravity retaining wall on the east end of the project. Additionally, all foundations for the trail's light poles are now installed in the ground (a total of 52!). Upcoming scheduled activities include installing the electrical manholes and conduits that will power the new pole's LED luminaires.
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