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You laugh, but the bikes and docks have not been maintained very well (the bikes have improved in the past two years) and are looking at capital replacements.

I'm not sure what the current prices are, but that is a significant chunk of change which is highly unlikely the feds are going to cover.

Sadly, I had to let my membership lapse. I have realized the bikes are about 2" too short for me, and I've hyperextended my knee using it. After stopping bikeshare (daily user to 3+ years) for six months the knee has recovered Not sure I will be joining again.

That said, still like the system, but not sure where the money will be coming from.

1. Bikeshare is heavily used in Alexandria, and the only real question is how fast to expand it, and how much input neighborhoods should get on station placement.

2. Mr Buckley is correct, AFAIK, that the need for public involvement as it applied in the bike lane battle, got more people onto the email list of the local bike ped advocacy group. However had that process not been required, it is likely that T&ES would have simply put in the bike lanes. In fact it was the bike lane opponents who used the process to oppose what the City planned, and who forced multiple controversial meetings. Now that of course is their right, but Mr Buckley is misleading about the role of public involvement in Alexandria. In large part it is used mostly by people who share his view of what the City should be like, to oppose things supported by the City govt.

"And "I don't want to give up on street parking" just isn't a winner in Alexandria right now"

Actually the City does consider on street parking a significant positive, and when implementing complete streets projects, it definitely takes that into account. That is the reason some of our most recent bike lanes disappear for a block or two in the middle, and why in some cases we have a door zone lane where a better design might be possible.

However they also weigh the benefits of bike lanes. In the case of this section of King, the number of parking spots lost was small, the general parking situation is not bad, and the role of the lanes in the bike network was important. Where that is the case, the City will likely continue to support bike lanes - though I believe they will prioritize parts of the network that are less controversial, before taking on another big fight.

Bikelashes answer to Donald Trump.

So his answer to supposedly wasteful pork in the federal budget is to reallocate to transportation modes that require bigger subsidies to stay afloat?

Crickey7, to be fair, Trump is less about rational economic behavior that about "sending a message"

"That said, still like the system, but not sure where the money will be coming from."

In Alexandria the City funds it, though in some locations installation is paid for by developers.

Buckley would welcome an invasion of the United States by Russia if he could be assured that Putin would remove Bikeshare.

Better yet, those pesky King St bike lanes were recently extended as buffered bike lanes which required removing 2 underused traffic lanes. Controversial but Buckley was absent from that debate, probably because he was trying to get his words into a real newspaper instead of American Speculator and the NY Post. It seems he failed at that too.

As for removing parking spaces for CaBi, the city has gone out of their way to add stations without removing parking spaces and the few times they have removed parking spaces, hardly anyone seemed to care. I spoke at one of the hearing in favor of it but no one opposed.

And I like how he ignored that CaBi in Alexandria had a higher than expected cost recovery, 63%.

Now that I reexamine the photo, it is clear to me that the inverted cyclist graphic is really a subliminal message that Big Brother is watching.

For a guy that lives in the DMV, he should already know that DC wasn't a swamp.

The argument that we shouldn't put bike lanes on a road where there are "alternatives" is maddening.

We should have bike lanes *everywhere* and stop writing off roads (except honest limited access freeways but even those can have sidepaths like 66 and the Custis trail) as too whatever for bike lanes. Just because we have a habit of building bike lanes one at a time doesn't mean that the intent is to have a bike network forever incomplete.

But it was never about the alternatives anyway and purely about parking and not wanting to ever have to slow down.

Now that complete streets has passed I can agree that we probably don't need an involved public process for every bike lane and simply let traffic engineers do their job rather than the public do it for them but as the post notes, that outcome favors cyclists (in Alexandria at least).

Hey, Donald Tramp said (about the environment), "We'll leave a little bit".

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