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This would be a great trail to have, a good start to a W&OD comparable trail. Hopefully it will lead to more connections along the trail and/or at the end points since the current bike infrastructure in that area look pretty sparse. Would also be cool to extend north all the way to the C&O canal trail, although it looks as though the power lines cross a lot of farmland/private property.

The NW Branch power line corridor has potential for trail connections between NW Branch trail and Sligo Creek, and could even go most of the way to the MBT. The biggest issue I see is crossing university and riggs, which are both busy 6 lane roads.

I believe that this trail could also go south west (Right before Piney Meeting House) towards the C&O towards the WSSC Water Filtration Plant

These powerline trails are not flat and would have to be regraded IMO

It would be nice if the trail were straight like a bicycle autobahn instead of many unnecessary curves adding possibly a quarter mile of extra distance. To make it ADA compliant on the steep hills they could add a switchback trail splitting from the main trail. Of course, only when times the trail is less crowded there should be no speed limit.

Note sure what they mean by Montgomery Mall in Germantown. Montgomery Mall is in Bethesda.

I think they meant Soccerplex in Germantown to Montgomery Mall

That route would be the perfect way to bail out of an overly-ambitious, early season, 60 miler. Of course, you'd be riding through the big, honking, EMF under those lines. Woooooo!

Hasn't the EMF/health risk thing been discredited though?

I've already spawned. I'll take my chances and just ride it.

Yes, WC, I think it has, but we are in a new age of belief! A fifth(?) Great Awakening, if you will. Line your shorts with Al foil and all will be well.

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