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So the switchback will not go bye-bye? Every time I do the airport loop, I make a point to ride up and down the switchback for funzies.

That bridge looks nice, and I'm all for improving the stream-bank habitat/water quality, so no complaints.

As a matter of policy Alexandria fills it's public documents with phrases like "prioritize travel by pedestrians, bikes and transit." In practice, bikes are given very low priority, especially in comparison with nearby Arlington and DC. On Potomac Avenue, the bike lanes literally stop at the Alexandria/Arlington border.

In the high-density Potomac Yard development, the only bicycle facility is shared used path, shoving people walking and people riding bicycles into conflict. There are no bike lanes at all.

To add what Jonathan K said, the MUP along Potomac also has pretty bad pavement quality (and had from day one). I don't really understand why if they were designing and making this long new trail they couldn't have bothered to at least make it flat and smooth. I almost always ride on the road next to the trail, both to avoid the bumps and to avoid pedestrians. Seems like an unfortunate waste.


ArlCo may well do more for cyclists in many respects than Alexandria does, but why bring up the bike lanes on Potomac Avenue as an example? The SB lane in particular is a grade D bike facility - its mostly in a door zone, and is often blocked by the hotel. Similarly the SB lane on Crystal Drive that leads to it is a terrible door zone lane, with lots of parking activity, and is frequently blocked. Alexandria needs to step up its game, and Arlington has done a lot of things right, but lets not exaggerate how good Arlington actually is.

Arlington seems to only be able to do the easy, low-hanging fruit. Inconvenience a car driver in any way, real or imagined, and they'll fold quickly, as evidenced by their caving on the Washington Blvd bike lanes. I don't see how they can get to the Gold status they're looking for unless they actually make an effort.

The plan seems to stop at the boundaries without considering where the cyclists will go from there. The ramp up from the Four Mile Run trail (heading to the NW) will dump you out on the sidewalk along the northbound side of US 1. Without some consideration for where the cyclist will go at that point, we are doing them no favors. Let us remove the "project boundary blinders" and think more holistically.

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