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Not very nice of them.

Not providing adequate space for non-motorized traffic is just dumb.

The engineering credentials of those proposing this, if they have any, should be revoked.

I worked at NSWC Dahlgren for 34 years and lived in Maryland, crossing the Nice bridge every day. I am currently an avid cyclist in PG and Charles Counties. I would love to be able to cross the bridge on my bicycle now and enjoy the view of the river in a more casual experience. I am a member of the Oxon Hill Bike Club of Maryland. Please keep the bike/pedestrian lane on the new Nice bridge.

Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) recently announced a new website with more info about the bridge designs and a place for comments until February 20. The website is http://www.newnicebridge.com.

MDTA will soon ask for bids on two options: a bridge with a barrier-separated bike/ped lane and a bridge without a bike/ped lane, but permitting cyclists to use the right-hand travel lane. The second option is unacceptable: the speed limit will be 50 or 55 mph, the bridge is planned to have a 4% grade, no pedestrian access, and bicyclists would probably be restricted to weekends or holidays, as on the Thomas Hatem Bridge (http://www.mdta.maryland.gov/Toll_Facilities/Hatem_Bike_Access.html).

Go to http://www.newnicebridge.com and give your comments before February 20.

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