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Hey, the Talbot Ave bridge is great to stop on and watch the commuter trains rumble underneath. Small consolation against the loss of the trail but it's a much better ride now that the bridge is closed to motor traffic.

The County has a funny sense of humor. They put up "sidewalk closed" signs on the south side of Jones Bridge at Connecticut, at least on the west side of Connecticut

Phew, what a cluster. Once a winter and once a summer, when it's too cold or too hot for the CCT to be crowded (hate the CCT when crowded), I usually ride it and the GBT to Rock Creek, into DC, then back into Arlington for a nice loop. Obviously I'm not going to use their official detour, and obviously I am going to go through the neighborhoods of Chevy Chase. Those don't look that easy to navigate, so doubtless, without signage, I'll get turned around, backtrack, and go through lots more roads that are just too quiet for cyclists.

You can't do a CCT-RCP loop now anyway. A stretch of RCP is closed.

It would seem the County is doing work on the "replacement Georgetown Branch Trail" still as the construction signs had been removed from the sidewalk on Friday morning.

My only experience in riding through Chevy Chase in Maryland caused me to ride past kids playing basketball in the street. I cannot imagine what the locals think of the auto traffic. It is a wonder they have not closed the roads altogether.

Thanks, Crickey. I knew the trail was closed but thought you could bypass it on the road.

Folks, you don't get this. This is not about the so-called "Purple Line." The agenda here has nothing to do with the rail line. It is about one thing and one thing only - permanently shutting down the Georgetown Branch Trail. if you don't believe me, go out and look at the trail adjacent to the Rock Creek Trestle Bridge. A single piece of heavy machinery sits there, doing nothing - until someone shows up on the trail. At that point, the operator fires his machine up, drives it back and forth on a short expanse of the trail, and picks up a log now and then, moving it five or ten feet and dropping it. As soon as the trail traffic disappears, the operator turns off the machine and sits there.

You will find a similar situation at the Conneticutt Avenue crossing, preventing access to the trail as it crosses the golf course. That there was no effort to keep any of the trail open while construction goes forward on other sections is revealing.

Looking at the trail by the Rock Creek bridge, the pavement is gone and the big trees have already been knocked down, but with no evidence that any other construction is underway. You all know what that means when heavy rains come - the trail right of way will wash out, and it will be impossible to build anything without major reconstruction of the road bed.

Do I need to draw you a picture? Once the talk about the trail has died down, and everyone just accepts that the trail is permanently gone, the Purple Line will quietly die. Funding will dry up, and proponents will suddenly discover that we really didn't need that particular "mass transit solution" after all...

And they would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.

Surely you can't be serious.

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