The MWCOG's Transportation Planning Board is responsible for allocating Transportation Alternatives Set Aside funding for Suburban Maryland. This year that amounts to $1,663,312 which the TPB allocated to 6 projects, two of which are primarily bicycle projects.
Central Avenue Connector Trail (Phase I – Addison Road) - This trail will provide direct bicycle & pedestrian access to four metro stations along the Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor. It will provide alternate travel routes for pedestrians and bicyclists, enhance access to alternative modes of transportation, and support safety and mobility along the corridor. This project was fully funded to $640,000. Phase I is the blue line on the image below.
Prince George’s Bike Share (Phase I) - Phase I of the bikeshare program in Prince George’s will include the purchase and installation of 25 bike docking stations and kiosks with approximately 425 docks and 250 bikes to be placed in Hyattsville, Mount Rainer, New Carrollton, North Brentwood, and Riverdale Park. This project received $681,066 of the requested $737,362.50.
The other projects that received funding were sidewalk projects near schools and other Safe Routes to Schools projects.
Unfunded were a sidewalk project in Forrest Glen and a NPS project to "Rewater a 7.8 mile section of the [C&O Canal] in Montgomery County from Canal Lift Lock #20 (Great Falls Tavern) to Canal Lift Lock #23 (Violettes Lock)."
Excited for bikeshare to finally come to PG County and for the Central Avenue Trail to get started.
[As an aside, if one of the dockless bikeshare companies works out, I'd love to see them expand into allowing the bikes into southern PG County - maybe everything inside the area bounded by 295, the DC boundary and the Beltway].
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