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So do you have a suggested route (or idea for one) between Sligo Creek and Greenbelt? This is the route I use on occasional rides. Lots of hills and dicey intersections though. There is a better route from Greenbelt to the WB&A by way of BARC.

If I were bike god, I would build facilities along Piney Branch Road to tie together Sligo, Long and Northwest Branch trails farther North. Then build a trail from the NW Branch Trail along the small stream through Adelphi (Daniels Run?) to Adelphi Road with a connection to Metzerott Road. Then bike facilities along Metzerott/Greenebelt Rd/193 all the way to the WB&A (connecting to the Paint Branch, Trolley, and Indian Creek trails along the way.

Well, I will vote for making you the bike god, if that's how it works!

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