Prince George's County is planning to build a storm water management pond in a place where a small section of the Northwest Branch Trail is. As part of the project they will relocate a very short section of the trail north of University Boulevard. This will likely be a benefit, because the trail in that area is too narrow and in terrible shape, but not much of it will be rebuilt.
The purpose of the project is to treat runoff from up to 7.9 acres of impervious surface along University Boulevard. The county looked at 11 alternatives, including one that would conflict with the Purple Line, and settled on lucky number 8.
Under Alternative 8, an off-line wet stormwater management pond would be constructed on the north side of University Boulevard, northwest of University Boulevard and Northwest Branch within M-NCPPC property at Adelphi Manor Park. The inflow for the pond would be created by diverting runoff into the pond from the existing storm drain system. Based on the existing conditions analysis, an off-line wet pond was designed in order to provide the most beneficial treatment for the area.
Interestingly, there's no discussion of the trail in the Environmental Assesment, not even in the traffic and transportation section. Even in that section when discussing the existing conditions it only lists the various roads in the area. For the traffic impacts, they note that
The construction of the BMPs would take place in close proximity to University Boulevard. Construction-related traffic and potential lane closures during construction would result in a minor, short-term adverse impact.
In fact the trail isn't mentioned in the text - only on a technical drawing. I've highlighted the existing trail in yellow below. The re-aligned trail would be the dark grey portion near middle. It would create a larger mixing area and a new connection to Judson Street.
This seems like one of the sections where it's easier to ride in the road . . I wonder how much use the trail gets by cyclists.
Posted by: Purple Eagle | October 13, 2017 at 12:18 PM