Over the last few months, several DC area bike coordinators positions have become empty. This is the result of a coincidence, not a conspiracy, but the local governments have been a slow to fill position in some places.
Just a quick rundown:
In DC, Jim Sebastian, former DDOT bicycle coordinator and later the bicycle and pedestrian coordinator hasn't so much left as moved up. He's now the Associate Director for the Planning and Sustainability Division (PSD). I saw the listing for this job earlier this year, but I don't know what happened to it.
In Virginia, former Arlington County Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs Manager David Goodman moved on to the Fairfax County Office of Revitalization & Redevelopment. He'd held the position since 2008, but left in July. I heard that the County is resisting posting the job, and instead might shift existing people around. This would mean there wouldn't be someone focusing specifically on bicycle and pedestrian transportation. The item was on the Arlington BACs December agenda.
Alexandria posted their pedestrian and Bicycle program manager job over the fall as well, so it seems like they're serious about filling it.
Thanks as always for bringing this to light. I'll be paying more attention to these positions and how the planning work is being done or not done, although sometimes all I can do is complain over the fence about it to Wilson.
Posted by: Ren | December 12, 2017 at 04:32 PM