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Sonmebody tell them whey they are done to hit the parts of the Rock Creek Trail that have not been upgraded yet. Some of the pavement craxks are huge.

I recently found that pickup-style county trucks are occasionally driven on the Custis for, e.g., trash collection from trash cans. Twice recently predawn I've come across a truck completely blocking the trail in places I would not have expected one to be. In the dark it's pretty easy to spot them what with taillights and headlights, but I imagine an encounter on the downhill portion of the sisters at 9:30 a.m. could be interesting.

Ditto that for the Capital Crescent trail on the DC side. Washy, didn't I hear about a year ago there was going to be some repaving of this stretch? Is this a DDOT responsibility or NPS?

I recall during the last govt shutdown that NPS place barriers on the trail so show that it was closed. Low and narrow enough to go over or around. I miss those days, sniff.

Rock Creek is being rebuilt, so that's the good news. Off the top of my head I don't recall anything about the CCT. In the past, DDOT has paid for repairs to the DC section, but I think it is really NPS property/responsibility - it's just that (sadly) DDOT has more money than NPS.

The CCT isn't even in the same league as the RCP trail in terms of deterioration. It's got some root cracks, but that's about it. Anywho, that's why G-d made carbon frames.

But steel is real.

@washcycle, Thanks for the great site and all your efforets

I am worried the Park Service has misled the public. I was under the impression all of the Rock Creek Park Trail parallel to Beach drive between Conn. ave. and Broad Branch would be upgraded.

Segments 1 & 2 of the road construction are complete according to the NPS site below. The trail parallel to Road segments 1 & 2 on the East side of Rock Creek was fully repaved and much improved, however the parallel trail segments on the West side of Rock Creek, which you have to use if you want to travel parallel to the road, remain utterly untouched. Not just untouched, they are in poor shape, and getting worse.

The NPS lists “Highlights from Segment 1 & 2” including “widening and resurfacing the multiuse trail”. Technically correct, but only to the trail on the East side of Rock Creek. I don’t recall that from the documents I read before the project began. Why don’t they say something about the West side? Why are they suggesting Segments 1 & 2 are complete if parts of the parallel trail are untouched? Are they just waiting for some reason to complete these sections? If that’s a yes, then will they reclose the road when they upgrade the trail like they did for the Eastern portion of the trail?

From the NPS site on the Beach Drive Rehabilitation: https://www.nps.gov/rocr/learn/management/beach-drive-rehabilitation.htm

Also the Rock Creek Trail section south of Conn. Ave. and North of P Street, which is out of the scope of the above project has not been upgraded for years (excluding a stretch right next to the road) and parts are also in really poor shape.

That section of the Met Branch trail just across the DC line in Montgomery County is a prime candidate for pavement help. It's getting to the point where it's almost misleading to call it a bike path. Would be great if the Montgomery County (and other local) planners included trail condition as a performance metric along with miles of facilities, connectivity, etc.


I'm also wondering when those unfinished segments will be finally redone. I imagine that they could be done without closing the road, though.

For the first section between Porter Street and the bridge, the sidepath along the road has been upgraded. I'm guessing they'll utilize that during the detour.

The section around Peirce Mill will be a little more problematic, but they could use the social trails and redo the section in two phases.

Turtleshell, NPS is rehabilitating 1.5 miles of the trail (actually, they've been doing a little more than that), but DDOT is going to follow behind them and do another 3.5 miles. You can read about their planned work below. My feeling is that that is when those sections will be repaved.


@washcycle, Thanks for the update and links. Very glad to hear this is still in the works.

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