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An excellent day for north-south bicycle routes!

Does the MBT section in question include the 8th St. section between Franklin and Monroe?

No. You can see what it includes on this post.


One more butt puckering segment on the RC trail eliminated.

> the Brookland to Fort Totten section [of the MBT]…will be finished by this time next year.

Assuming they manage to get started on time next month, it's supposed to be finished by the end of next year (I've seen both November and December mentioned in different materials).

I have two recent documents from DDOT that say Spring 2019. One has a start date of April, so even with a two month delay, that's at the worst Summer 2019. Maybe that's too optimistic, but that's what they're saying.

The project website says january 2020, weather dependent: https://www.metbranchtrail-forttotten.com/construction-phase/

Latest word from DDOT is that the Rock Creek trail work won't be starting until Spring 2019

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