Back in April, developers of the Georgetown Heating Plant - located just across the canal from the C&O tow path and across Rock Creek from the trail - presented their designs to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB). While HPRB voted for the concept design, it voted against demolition of the existing building. The developers are expected to take their designs to the Mayor's Agent for Historic Preservation in hopes that it will find the project to be one of "special merit" that would justify demolition.
The design currently involves a trail from 29th and K, along Rock Creek and the across the Canal on a new bike/ped bridge to the tow path.
Among the project’s several exciting elements is a new bridge over the C&O Canal. The bridge will serve as an important link, allowing for greater connectivity between the C&O Canal towpath, Rock Creek Park, and the Georgetown Waterfront Park, fulfilling a long-standing goal of the National Park Service.
In addition a grand staircase on one end and a set of metal stairs on the other would connect the trail to the property itself. They have some new renderings available.
Rendering from Rock Creek Park, with the trail at the bottom and then ramping up to street level on the right.
Rendering of the new tow path connection