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Yes, all drivers, when not stuck in slow traffic, are speeding and breaking the law on virtually all roads, almost 100% of the time. Some of those comments are ridiculous-funny.

Thanks for posting this, will vote


Please note well, the purpose of a road diet here would be to calm traffic, making the road safer and more comfortable for pedestrians (go on streetview and see how close the narrow sidewalks are to the road) and also safer for drivers (especially people turning onto and off the road) It is opponents of a road diet who want to make this about people on bikes. FYI.

Funny comments by people who hate cyclists aside, there's no good way to cross 395 by bike around there anyway except the Holmes Run Trail.

Sanger is an excellent crossing. And far more reliable than the HR tunnel which floods.

What about the Seminary Road crossing mentioned in this post?

Yes. You can cross at Holmes Run, at Sanger, at the Seminary ped bridge, and for the more confident, on Braddock. However Washcycle's point that for the large number of people who live in dense Southern Towers just north of the Seminary crossing the lack of safe accommodations on Seminary is a major barrier, stands.

South of there. My experience is more with Duke Street or Edsall.

Much more north of there and I was spending more time on a detour than I was just white-knuckling across the interchanges there.

In an old job it would have been perfect if there was something either along the train tracks towards Cameron Run or further up between Edsall and Duke.

@Port City - I agree with you. But all over Fx County this chorus of "spoiled bicyclists" is gaining traction. Telling them the road diet is for their traffic calming is of little use. And as long as the infrastructure proposed is fragmented or doesn't connect to things, it reinforces their complaints and keeps many cyclists from using the lanes where they do exist.

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