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Another issue is that the cost of a mandatory program (assuming a successful one could be implemented, which is highly doubtful) and the associated regulatory system would be millions of dollars, which would have to either be covered by budget-strapped local government or by user fees, which would in turn depress cycling rates and remove the net positive benefits of cycling to our communities. And for what? A handful of collisions where fault could be placed on the cyclists, likely totaling in the low hundreds of thousands of dollars? Sometimes even if there is a solution, its costs outweigh any conceivable benefit.

Re: e-bike insurance, Velosurance/Markel offer an e-bike liability policy and balance an injury policy that covers Class 1 and 2 e-bikes but the issue is with the confusing overlapping jurisdictions with e-bike prohibitions. That’s a problem because insurers won’t pay out if the rider is riding somewhere they technically shouldn’t, the trouble is that includes commuting arteries like the Potomac bridge side paths and connecting sections of trails a rider needs to use to safely cross the river to get to the streets on either side. It’s inequitable and DC and Arlington County need to admit they own this problem now they provide fleets of e-bikes as a public transportation utility.

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