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While you are allowed to fellow bikers, please please think about whether it is worth it to the world at large when taking your bike on a crowded rail car if you are reverse reverse commuting, aka, riding the same way everyone else is going.

I think it falls into the general sphere of using common sense.

@Crickey having biked around DC for 16 years, I can assure you that common sense isn't many bikers' strong suit (or drivers' or pedestrians' for that matter).

Well, having biked around DC since the late 1970's, I think most people have common sense for the most part. If it becomes a problem, Metro will revisit. I suspect it will be used (i) for reverse commutes, as Washcycle says) and (ii) for people having mechanical problems.

"I can assure you that common sense isn't many bikers' strong suit (or drivers' or pedestrians' for that matter)."

Doesn't sound very common then.

NYC has had this policy since the early 1990s, and it works just fine.


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