Last May, the MWCOG approved 9 projects as part of their Transportation Land-use Connections (TLC) Program. The TLC Program provides short-term consultant services to local jurisdictions for small planning projects that promote mixed-use walkable communities and support a variety of transportation alternatives. Some of these nine projects have, or likely will include, elements to improve biking. Those include:
District of Columbia – Barry Farm-Metro Access Feasibility Analysis - This project will determine the feasibility of a new transportation connection across Suitland Parkway between the Barry Farm public housing complex redevelopment and the Anacostia Metro Station. Since DC is already doing a feasibility study of a trail along the Shepherd Branch railroad corridor, and since that is one ideal location for a crossing - grade-separated or otherwise - this study may aid that effort.
Prince George’s County - Cheverly Metrorail Station Bike/Ped Access Study - This project will provide planning and design assistance for improving bicycle and pedestrian access to the Cheverly Metro station. Currently, non-motorized access to the station is extremely limited (WC: This is true) because of missing or fragmented pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The master plan recommends trails and bikeways designed to enhance pedestrian safety and provide better access to the station. Improvements may include sidewalk retrofits, trail connections, and on-road bicycle improvements. This project will provide planning assistance to refine these alternatives. Such improvements will increase the comfort and convenience of walking and biking, and establish a foundation for multimodal transportation to the Cheverly Metro and surrounding communities.
Prince George's County – Eastover and Forest Heights Trail Improvements - This project will provide planning assistance for several trails and sidewalks in the Eastover and Forest Heights area. These communities have fragmented sidewalk networks and few on-road bicycle facilities. In addition, MD 210 is a barrier to east-west pedestrian movement and trail connections are lacking to Oxon Run Trail in Oxon Cove Park (Oxon Run Trail is in DC, Oxon Creek Trail is in MD, but whatevs). The Prince George’s Master Plan of Transportation recommends a series of improvements to enhance pedestrian safety and provide better access to the region's trails and bicycle network. This project will help to implement the vision outlined in that master plan as well as in the Eastover/Forest Heights/Glassmanor Sector Plan. It will also assist with trail improvements to Oxon Cove, and provide regional connectivity per the National Park Service Paved Trails Plan.
Fairfax County - Laurel Hill-Lorton VRE Connector Trail Feasibility Study - The Laurel Hill-Lorton VRE Connector Trail would provide a link to the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail and adjacent communities on the west side of I-95 with the Lorton VRE Station and neighboring communities on the east side of I-95. The trail would enhance connectivity within Fairfax County for pedestrians and bicyclists, specifically connecting new developments in Laurel Hill with direct access to the Lorton VRE Station. This feasibility study would examine the engineering challenges related to this trail project, such as crossing Pohick Creek, and crossing the current/future CSX Railroad bridges and VDOT I-95 bridges. The TLC feasibility study would also develop preliminary cost estimates and provide guidance for prioritizing future funding for engineering design, right-of-way acquisition, and project construction.
Several other projects were declined funding, these include:
Scott & Veirs Drive Shared Use Path Design in Rockville
Capital Bikeshare Equity User Survey in Arlington - "We seek technical assistance to design and execute a survey of
current and potential future Capital Bikeshare users, for a better picture of the barriers and opportunities to better serve low-income and minority communities, non-English speakers, and casual (nonmember) users in particular"
Long Bridge Trail Action Analysis in Arlington - Arlington County seeks help advocating for improved bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in the vicinity of Long Bridge. Specifically, Arlington proposes building a direct link between Long Bridge Park, a future new Long Bridge, and the Mt. Vernon Trail. This link can best be realized in the context of the once-per-century opportunity presented by a new Potomac River crossing
City of Fairfax Transportation Demand Management Program
Complete Streets Network Connectivity Plan in College Park
Development of Mixed-Use Zoning Regulations to Support Multi-Modal Travel and Connectivity in Small Area Plans in Prince William County
Just yesterday, I was on the west side of I-95 opposite the Lorton VRE station. Including the dead-end stub, parallel to Blue Bonnet Drive. Having a way to follow Pohick Creek under the highway and through to the station would be fabulous. Even better if it would connect under the tracks too, and stitch together with the Lorton Station Blvd strip.
But the Gerry Connolly CCT along Pohick Creek still needs some serious upgrades if it's going to have utility for actual transportation / commuting use. Which isn't news, but should still be frustrating / alarming to everyone involved. The multiple creek crossings are flooded anytime there's any rain at all -- and that's with hopping along each of those silly concrete posts while carrying your bike.
It's a gorgeous set of trails, providing safe, direct routes in an otherwise car-centric area that's too dangerous for most cyclists. And yet it's practically unusable.
Posted by: Shalom | February 19, 2019 at 07:31 PM
Oh, and speaking of the Cheverly Metro station being inaccessible by bicycle -- Franconia Springfield is *awful*. How can any transportation planner not resign in disgust, when the only transit station in the whole area is treated so poorly?
Posted by: Shalom | February 19, 2019 at 07:34 PM