Here's a list of every project in DC's FY20-25 Capital Improvements Plan that I could find that's relevant to cycling:
- 11th Street Bridge Park - The 11th Street Bridge Park project will transform the aged, unused span of the 11th Street Bridge into a signature, elevated park for the District— comparable to the High Line in New York City. Spanning the Anacostia River, the park would link Historic Anacostia with the Navy Yard. Preliminary plans include bike and pedestrian trails, outdoor performance spaces, play areas, gardens, posted information about the river and its ecosystem, and a dock to launch boats and kayaks to explore the river. [WC: nit - The span is gone, they're going to utilize the piers] - $9M
- Capital Bikeshare Expansion (and Replenishment) - allow DDOT to expand the Capital Bikeshare system in all eight wards of the District; funding over 100 new stations and 1,000 bikes. This project will also allow the Program to replenish old equipment in need of replacement. Capital Bikeshare is the most cost effective form of transportation in the District for both the government and the user. CaBi boasts the highest farebox recovery rate of any transit system in the region, covering roughly 85% of its cost from system revenues.
While Capital Bikeshare is continuing to expand within the District, its oldest bicycles (launched in September 2010) are at the end of their manufacturer specified useful life, and stations are also approaching the end of their useful life. - $14M - Safety & Mobility (aka Vision Zero) - This project envelopes any projects that have a primary focus of improving safety and efficiency of the District’s transportation system. By the year 2024, Washington, DC will reach zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers of our transportation system. The project includes bicycle & pedestrian safety, street sign improvements, vision zero improvements, the Crosstown Bicycle Lanes, Alabama Avenue SE Safety improvements and utility markings. - $63M. Projects under this Master Project will support the objectives outlined within Vision Zero Plan which include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
• Improving and expanding bicycle lanes and infrastructure (like the
• Improving and expanding trails
• Improving the production, distribution, and placement of signage throughout the District
• Advancing plans to preliminary design
• Delivery of Arboretum bridge and trail
• Planning, design, and construction of safety improvements on high crash corridors, such as Alabama Avenue SE - Streetscapes and Beautification - Any project with the primary focus on the streetscape improvements which include vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle safety improvements and beautification efforts such as green space, lighting, and signage that support the mission of the District Department of Transportation. - $178M This includes:
- New York Avenue Streetscape and Trail Project
- Florida Ave. NW, 9th to Sherman
- Rhode Island Ave NE
- Connecticut Ave NW from Dupont Circle to California Street
- likely more, but I don't have the details to determine them
- Urban Forestry - Includes trail maintenance funding - $70M
- Douglass Bridge - replacement of the Frederick Douglass Bridge and improvements to the intersections of South Capitol Street with Suitland Parkway and the Anacostia Freeway (I-295). Includes sections of the Anacostia Riverwalk trail and connections. - $504M
- Streetcar Benning Road to Union Station - Includes Streetscape improvements for multimodal transportation, including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, along the four-mile, east-west corridor - $188M
- H Street Bridge replacement - The reconstruction of H Street (Hopscotch) Bridge will expand the transit network and foster further economic development, as it will incorporate the H/Benning streetcar line and expand multi modal offerings, and enable Amtrak to increase its capabilities and provide for future development at Union Station - $220M
The plan also notes that the District has $6M in budget authority for trails from the Recreational Trails Program and that there is other money available for routine maintenance, major rehabilitations, reconstruction and replacement of facilities including bicycle facilities.
Projects that still have federal Highway Fund budget allotments remaining include:
- Malcolm X Interchange Improvement - $30M
- Rock Creek Park Trail - $16M
- Maryland Ave NE Road Diet - $4M
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Enhancements - $4M
- Met Branch Trail - $4M
- Klingle Valley Trail - $2M
- Florida Avenue Multi-modal trail - $2M
- Anacostia Trails - Kenilworth - $863K
- Bike sharing - $860K
- Connecticut Ave NW Multi-modal study - $643K
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Education - $558K
- Capital Bikeshare - ~$360K
- Rehab Rock Creek Trail - $276K
- South Capitol Street Trail - $252K
- Rock Creek Trail design - $140k
- Trail maintenance - $123K
- Pennsylvania Ave 17th to Washington Circle - $98K
- Rock Creek Trail improvement - $71K
- Safe Routes to Schools - $40K
- Arizona Avenue Trails - $34K
- NY Ave trail design - $5K
- Lincoln Connector Trail - $4k
- Shepherd Branch Trail - $2k
Eastern Downtown PBL MIA?
Posted by: Jeffb | March 21, 2019 at 12:25 PM
OMG. Another $2m for Klingle Valley? Let's move that to fix the trolley trail
Posted by: fongfong | March 21, 2019 at 12:56 PM
Under streetscapes, I think you missed the entire box on the right. Looks like Florida from 2nd to H St NE got funded...? Unless I'm reading it wrong.
Posted by: Terry | March 21, 2019 at 01:31 PM
Plus C St NE
Posted by: Terry | March 21, 2019 at 01:33 PM
Yeah I almost surely missed some.
The Klingle Valley money is for the construction of drainage improvements plus new bollards to prevent motor vehicle access
Posted by: washcycle | March 21, 2019 at 03:00 PM