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This is disappointing to see with Montgomery County claiming to want to improve cycling and walking throughout the County. Reminds me of the ICC trail.

This show staff are not serous about Vision Zero.

"The Draft Plan has the goal of recreating Veirs Mill Road as a "complete street." This concept which would treat the safety and mobility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles more or less equally-is normally reserved for urban environments where all are moving closer to the same pace."

A: Even in very dense urban environments this isn't true. I'm definitely getting someplace faster when I bike/drive compared to walking. And biking is really only competitive when traffic is really heavy and I get lucky with lights.

B: And that's the whole point of a complete street. In that case it makes even more sense on a road where you can get up to speed. Making Veirs Mill a perfect candidate for complete streets for the exact reasons its argued that its a bad one.

C: "It's a suburb" is not some magical cantrip you can utter to stop debate on something. If it doesn't work in online comments sections it certainly shouldn't be parroted by actual policy makers.

Honestly, the County and the State are horrible on pedestrian and cycling issues. And they're surprised that death rates are rising. News flash: you built traffic sewers that run right through densely populated, mixed use areas.

This is not very different from the perspective of DDOT engineers. When it's a hard choice between safety and car speeds, car speeds win 9 times out of 10.

As a society, we care much more about driving fast than not killing people.

Any consideration of a vehicular underpass with a traffic circle atop?

To help with envisioning such a solution, please look at WDC's DuPont Circle as well as my cir. year 2000 Rt 1/Beltway "Alexandria Orb" proposal.

In most cities, drivers constitute 70+% of the commuters and efficient main collector & arterial streets are needed for commerce.
James C. Walker, National Motorists Association

Yes James the vast majority of people drive because the vast majority of amenities built for transportation in the US are roads. Build more and better connected ped, bicycle amenities and mass transit less people would drive. The proof is seen around the world.

And while arterial streets will be needed for the foreseeable future, that does not mean that pedestrians and cyclists should have to cower in fear around roadways, nor that 30,000+ roadway fatalities per year are acceptable. I would think that anyone at the National Motorists Association would have an interest in bringing that huge number down.

"In most cities..."

Most cities don't have heavy rail transit like we do. And this road stretches between two transit stations. So what is true in most cities is about as useful as a doctor telling a pregnant woman "most people aren't pregnant, so you don't really need to do anything."

But like others said, we need to redefine efficiency away from QUICKLY moving cars and trucks and towards SAFELY and CLEANLY moving people and things.

"collector & arterial streets are needed for commerce"

Counterpoint: no they're not. See any dense grid design, or any number of non-motorized designs in other countries.

The future of commerce and the human race depends on averting climate change by removing these dinosaurs from positions of power. They had their chance and they screwed up.

"In most cities, drivers constitute 70+% of the commuters and efficient main collector & arterial streets are needed for commerce.
James C. Walker, National Motorists Association"

And how many of those people are miserable as they sit in traffic.
Poll after poll shows that people who commute by walking or cycling are much happier.

I'm surprised you posted on this particular road. Is this the type of society you really want to protect? I find it depressing

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