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Still don't understand where exactly people are supposed to "cut through". Poring over google maps I can certainly identify some routes but it strains credulity that doing so would ever be faster than just staying on Seminary.

People are irrational. Someone claimed it would take them 30 minutes to get to Bishop Ironton school because of Seminary Rd. A friend did it in 6 minutes at the times the guy said it took 30. My friend made to the start of I-66 in 30 minutes, not exactly a few miles within town.

Irrational? Have you been on Seminary since the road diet. The trip takes at least 30 minutes now. Just as predicted!!!!

This story says it take 15 minutes - and I'll note that they're still doing construction. https://patch.com/virginia/oldtownalexandria/frustrations-arise-seminary-road-lanes-are-reconfigured

“While we understand that delays are frustrating, the corridor is still under construction and all of the components that work together to make this project work are not yet complete,” Orr said. “While there have been some increased queues during the peak half-hour in the morning, we are still generally seeing vehicles able to get through a signal in one cycle. The evening peak is a bit longer, and we have seen some delays between 5:30-6:30 p.m., with 6-6:15 p.m. as the peak.”

Orr said other delays have been caused by the disconnection of signal hardware that tells traffic lights when there are vehicles on the roads. Once paving was completed, Orr said these were reinstalled and reconnected and those delays have eased.

“With any road reconstruction and design reconfiguration, delays are to be expected while the project is implemented and motorists get used to new traffic patterns,” Orr said. “This is one example of how construction impacts travel times, and there are numerous other instances that occurred this week and caused residents to reach out regarding delays.”

If you were one of the people caught on Seminary Road last Thursday (Nov. 7), Orr said the delays were part of a spike in traffic throughout the region.

“This was largely due to major delays on the interstates as well as higher than normal travel times on key corridors across the city,” Orr said “When there is higher than normal congestion in the region, the city tends to see more cut-through traffic. On Thursday, while travel times were approximately 60% higher on Seminary/Janneys, they more than doubled on corridors such as Route 1, Duke Street, GW Parkway and Van Dorn.”

This week, Orr said staff is working on installing new signage and markings as well as continuing to work on median islands.


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