DDOT hosted the 2nd workshop on the Rock Creek East I Livability Study and there's still not much to report from it. On the one hand, many of the comments they've received have been about crashes, speed and pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and most of their objectives, such as reducing speed and identifying issues for pedestrians and cyclists, fit in the VisionZero paradigm; but there just isn't much brewing yet.
What can be reported is that right now, the study is focusing on 6 intersections and 4 corridors.
Some of these do overlap with current, planned or proposed bike facilities, The Met Branch Trail (MBT) is planned to pass through intersections I-5 and I6. Corridor C-2 Currently has bike lanes that could (?) be extended into the Walter Reed development - according to MoveDC. And intersection I-1 is at 16th which is to have a bike trail someday, again according to MoveDC.
But there isn't any information on what they might do there. Perhaps they presented it at the workshop. Or maybe it will come up in the 3rd workshop which will occur at a point to be determined.
In the meantime, they're doing a pop-up workshop this Saturday at the Safeway at 6500 Piney Branch Rd NW, Washington, DC 20012