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I think the reason the trolley trail isn't part of this study is that there is already a feasibility study of the trolley trail ongoing.

As Contrarian pointed out, Trolley Trail is part of its own Feasibility Study.
Both DDOT reps of each respective projects are communicating to each other.

Okay, also to add:
I have talked with head of this project about Whitehaven Parkway where GW Mt Vernon campus could have a connection to the Trolley trail via Hutchins Place.
I mentioned this to them and I think they have added it to their study going forward.

"It's a shame that trails aren't included in the Glover-Archibald corridor, Battery Kimble corridor or the green corridor south of Fulton that connects them."

Can you elaborate on this sentence?

NPS wont permit cycling on these trails. And I wouldn't support bike trails in those woods. Too much distribution to the woods.


Wish I could go back and edit posts.

I meant to say
"too much disturbance to the woods"

Is it not unfortunate that we can't build trails there even if the reasons are valid?

If you're ever interested come over to the Palisades and we'll take a walk together:
Through the woods, make a left to walk to Battery Kimble, then south to the trolley trail and back.
I think when we're done with that walk, I think you'll agree with me that the woods wouldn't be idea for adding a bike path.....and it would also be a great walk.
It's about 4 miles.
I recorded the walk for Alltrails.com
You can view it here:

I've hiked battery Kemble before. I'm not disagreeing with you about the possibility. I'm only saying that it's unfortunate. Like I know Lincoln was murdered, but it was also unfortunate.

Glover Archbald is another story. That could add a bike path.


So not even this study proposes Macarthur.....nor does anyone who post public comments pushes Macarthur Blvd as a solution.
The only real solution for Macarthur Blvd is removing parking on either one or both sides of the street.
The uproar would big bigger than the trolley trail.

And for me, I still ask, where would they park their cars? I am not sure if the side streets would properly compensate.

"sidepath on the uphill"

Astute observation, and one that could only come from actual cyclists. Pennsylvania Ave has a short segment like this between Branch and Alabama and it's pretty decent. (The only problem is that the ramp onto the path is littered with street furniture, hard to negotiate at cycling speed.)

Even MoveDC doesn't show a bike facility on MacArthur. Not that I would oppose removing parking from that road for a bike lane (or really, any other).

I suspect very strongly that the feasibility study for the Trolley Trail will come back with a negative recommendation. And then there will be a big area unserved by bike/mixed use infra, with no plans for any. That is not a good situation. By all means, press from the infra you want. But also start thinking about Plan B.

Unless you work for DDOT I'm going to disagree with you.
The trolley trail was on the Wemove blueprint for the city a little before I got involved in pushing for it.
We both agree the area is under-served.
We both seem to agree that the CCT is not enough.
DDOT will finish its feasibility study by beginning of Sept. We'll know by then if they are going to do this project.

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