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I had to google "raised crosswalks." Between Alexandria Ave and Ft. Hunt Park, the Mt Vernon Trail is on the west side of the GWMP, i.e., Collingwood, Waynewood, and Wellington are all on the west side. So you don't have to cross the GWMP to get on the MVT from those streets. A raised crosswalk could be useful on those streets to slow down cars before they cross the MVT.

More concerning is getting from the westside of the GWMP to the MVT where the MVT runs along the river, e.g., Belleview, Tulane, Vernon View. Belleview is particularly problematic because it has eastbound bike lanes that lead bicyclists to a dangerous GWMP intersection where there are regular car collisions.

Presently, there is only one safe crossing south of Old Town, and that's the stone bridge (Alexandria Ave). Cross the GWMP anywhere else and it's risky. The cars are traveling over the speed limit and there are no lights.

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