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I follow up regarding the stretch in downtown Silver Spring every six months or so. As of March, I was told that MCDOT hopes to potentially put it out for bid again late this year but otherwise has no information on when construction could potentially start, let alone be completed. https://twitter.com/graykimbrough/status/1509691024242884608

Great update on the status of the MBT - Thanks. Frustrating that this has been so slow to complete but even this progress is positive. I suspect that MoCo will shoot for completion of the Silver Spring MBT segment on or about the completion of the purple line. The trail to Bethesda will also connect at the transit Ctr.

Thanks for the updates. PG Co has done some work on the NW Branch trail in the vicinity of where the connector trail should "connect", but I have seen nothing about building the missing segment either. If the L St ramp project is contingent on the Union Station rebuild (?) that could take a while since that project has a very long timeline.

The L Street ramp is not contingent on the Union Station project.

Thanks for the write-up. I rode the new segment from Fort Totten to Brookland twice last month. The first time was shortly after it opened and felt like a dream. Too bad they had to cut down so many trees, but at least they planted a few replacements.

The second time was more like a bad dream because I got a flat tire from a small piece of metal just south of the waste station. Maybe I was unlucky because lots of other people passed through that area without a problem, but I've gotten flats around there before, so do take care around there. Maybe next time I'll bring a broom to sweep ahead of my bike, or a Roomba.

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