Commuting and Transportation Subcommittee - The MBPAC voted to encourage accommodation for bicyclists and pedestrians for the renovation of the Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge.
Education and Awareness Subcommittee - Toole Design Group had received permission by the Montgomery County Public Schools to conduct the Maryland School Administrators Study survey with county school personnel.
Legislative and Government Affairs – L&GA Subcommittee Chair Patrick Sheehan reported that meetings including product demonstrations are scheduled for November between the US Quiet Car Task Force and major hybrid automobile manufacturers on how to make these vehicles “audible” to pedestrians and bicyclists. Coordination has begun between L&GA members and One Less Car on reviewing 2010 legislative proposals in an effort to educate legislators about concerns of bicyclists and pedestrians earlier in the year.
Tourism and Product Development Committee
• Continued distribution of Maryland Bicycle Maps at all Maryland Welcome Centers
• Showcased hiking and biking in the October Maryland Spotlight campaign
• Publication of feature article on hiking and biking in the Office of Tourism
• Development’s consumer newsletter with electronic links to the article sent to MBPAC members
• Awaiting report from the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail marketing meeting
• Promoting the opening of the C&O Canal Towpath lock tenders’ houses which can be used for overnight lodging for towpath travelers. National Park Service would be training the volunteer C&O Canal lock house quartermasters regarding hospitality aspects of the traveler accommodations.
The formal release of the Maryland Trails Strategic Implementation Plan is expected in the next few weeks.
Staff from the Maryland State Highway and the Maryland Transit Administration and bicycle and pedestrian advocates have been working together on the implementation strategies for the proposed Light Rail Trail project between Linthicum and Baltimore City. This trail would make the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail less confusing as one could actually bike from Annapolis to Baltimore via the B&A, BWI trail and the Light Rail Trail. And it would make it easier to bike from DC to Baltimore, something people ask me about every few months.
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Presentation - the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission became the 9th State agency represented on MBPAC. M-NCCPC has embraced the Complete Streets concept and has pushed SHA to include “cycle tracks” along the MD 193 corridor in Langley Park and is considering cycle tracks for the US 1 corridor. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments gave a grant to M-NCPPC to conduct a study of bike access and bike hub placement along the proposed Purple Line light rail corridor. M-NCPPC wants world class bike and pedestrian facilities to be provided.
Leymeister homicide - As a result of the death of Curtis Leymeister in St. Mary's county and the ensuing Maryland State Police comments, the MBPAC is working on a resolution to the MSP requesting that they refrain from making statements that appeared to fault bicyclists for taking actions consistent with Maryland law and that appear to be prejudicial against bicyclists. You can read the resolution and the letter they sent to Lt. Thompson of the MSP here.
Public Comments - Jim Hudnall of the Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club/One Less Car urged MBPAC to support repeal of Maryland’s mandatory shoulder use law.
Barry Childress of the Baltimore Bicycle Club/One Less Car said 10-foot wide travel lanes are more effective in reducing bicycle crashes than 12-foot wide travel lanes. He also said One Less Car is supporting the repeal of Maryland’s contributory negligence rule. He noted that Baltimore County has hired a bicycle planning consultant (WC: who could that be?).
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