Late last year, DDOT spent a little time promoting the DCReach (which is really just the Dutch Reach).
The campaign promotes the “Dutch reach" method which requires drivers to look over their shoulder before opening their car door with their right hand. Efforts are concentrated on highly trafficked areas that include multiple transportation modes (e.g., H Street NE where DC Streetcar, cars, pedestrians and MetroBuses navigate).
“DDOT strives to create a transportation network that is as safe as possible for all users, no matter their transit mode," said DDOT Acting Director Jeff Marootian. “#DCReach is a robust education campaign that demonstrates the significant impact a minor habit change - looking over your shoulder before opening your car door - can have. By using the Dutch reach, we all can contribute to making our city's transit system the safest possible, and achieving our Vision Zero initiative.”
Opening a car door without checking for passersby, also called, "dooring,” is a top safety concern, especially for cyclists and those exiting cars near streetcar lines.
This is a small initiative, but a good one. I'd rather see information like this disseminated during the annual "Street Smart Safety Campaign" than people with tire tracks on them, but I don't see that happening.
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