Alexandria City Manager Rashad Young has proposed a FY 2014 budget that includes $600,000 for Capital Bikeshare expansion in 2014 and another $1,395,000 worth of expansion planned through 2022.
In 2013, work to identify station locations beyond the initial eight stations will be completed. The program will expand to Carlyle and Del Ray over the next several years through a combination of funding sources include CMAQ/RSTP funding, private (development) capital contributions, and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) funding.
- $500,000 for an update to the 2008 Bicycle Master Plan
- $0 for the Wilkes Street Bikeway, because no more local funding is needed. The project should go out to bid this year
- $1,317,602 for the Holmes Run Bike Trail upgrade, with work to begin in mid to late 2014.
- $500,000 in 2015 for a study of the feasibility of building a tunnel connection under the freight rail tracks from the Braddock Road station itself as recommended in the Braddock Metro Neighborhood Plan. Completion of the tunnel would provide a new station entry from the west, minimizing the distance pedestrians must walk to access the station from the west. Currently, pedestrians must walk south to the Braddock Road underpass to reach the station. In addition, the plan recommends studying a potential future pedestrian-bike connection and a potential walking route connection to the northern gateway
- $3,500,000 over the next four years for the Old Cameron Run Trail. This project will construct a shared-use path between Eisenhower Avenue near Telegraph Road to on-oad bicycle facilities that link to the Mt. Vernon Trail, addressing a major gap in the city’s proposed “Green Crescent‟ trail system and ultimately providing a key link in the bicycle and pedestrian multimodal transportation system.
- $3,200,00 for FY 2017-18 for a shared-use path along Backlick Run from Boothe Park west to the Fairfax County line. Once complete, the trail will help better connect the far west side of the City with the Mount Vernon Trail, and the existing trail network in the Ben Brennan Park and Eisenhower Valley.
- $1,000,000 for the construction of safety improvements at the Mt Vernon Avenue/Russell Road Intersection in 2015-16.
- $500,000 in FY 2023 for design and engineering funding for the construction of a multimodal bridge from the Van Dorn Metro Station to Pickett Street.
- $275,000 in FY 2014 for Safe Routes to Schools.
- $7,870,000 for complete streets over the next 10 years.
- $180,000 a year for shared-use path improvements and $10,000 a year for trail maintenance.
- $350,000 spread over 3 out-years for bicycle parking at the city's Metrorail and transit stations.
- $450,000 this year to construct safety improvements on the Mount Vernon Trail where trail width and conflicts with vehicles make non-motorized travel unsafe. Preliminary engineering for this project began in 2011. A property survey has been completed, and the next step will be to move the project to the 30% design phase. Right-of-ways may be needed and the plans for the Gen-On property may affect the project. Construction is not expected to begin until at least FY 2015.
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